
Personal Digest Saturday: April 30 � May 6

Life news this week: 
  • Saturday Mom had stayed over, and she helped me with a trip to Michaels to get a bulletin board and then we chatted to my sister on the phone. Later I made a quiche and we ate some, and then did Skype with my sister later so we could see my nephew. What a cutie. I did a drawing for a birthday card and hung out with Mom.
  • Sunday we ate quiche again and Mom helped me do my redecorations for May Day. She left earlier than I thought she would. I paid my bills and took a nap. Then just worked on some book edits.
  • Monday I had to come in early to make sure some important paperwork was turned in on time. And at night a package I'd ordered containing some fun stuff--including Steven Universe dog tags--had arrived in my mailbox so Jeaux came over to watch me open it. Haha. There are 24 designs and you don't know which you'll get when you buy it, so I was hoping for not too many duplicates, but out of the 10 I got 6 that weren't duplicates. Of course, it's hard to be disappointed when most of the duplicates were my favorite character. :]
  • Tuesday Mom didn't come over so I spent the evening reading and writing a comic book review.
  • Wednesday was a rainy Jeaux Day. We ate at Burger 21 and waited for the rain to stop, and it did. So then we biked to the comic book store where I got the new Steven Universe comic and an Invader Zim comic. Then we came back and listened to Night Vale and shared funny Internet things. After he left I reviewed the comic I read. Next week Jeaux Day will be on Thursday because we want to watch cartoons together! I'm going to melt.
  • Thursday was uneventful mostly. I read a bunch of a book but didn't finish it, STILL.
  • Friday I had to work early to finish something for a co-worker. Maintenance workers were making loud noises doing something to our building, and at one point it sounded like music! I didn't really do anything in the evening except draw my comic. I had a lot to do because I didn't do any of it earlier in the week, so it was close to deadline. :X
    New reviews of my book:

    Interviews, Features, Mentions:

        Reading progress:
        • Finished this week: I still didn't finish the book I'm reading, but I've got a couple comic reviews up for the Steven Universe comics: Number 1 and Number 2.
        • Currently reading: Fledgling by Octavia E. Butler.
          New singing performances:

          Here I'm singing "Reflection" from Mulan.


          New drawings:

          A pretty Rose Quartz I doodled on my work calendar
          for Mother's Day. ;)

          Webcomic Negative One Issue 0573: "This Honest."

          New videos:


          New photos: 

          My quiche with soy bacon!
          Mom helped put flowers in a wreath for May Day.
          Mr. Universe drove his van into my heart, so I wear his tee shirt.
          My starter collection of 10 SU dog tags. :)

          Social Media counts:
          YouTube subscribers: 5,325 for swankivy (5 new), 569 for JulieSondra (1 new). Twitter followers: 778 for swankivy (6 new), 1,233 for JulieSondra (8 new). Facebook: 292 friends (2 new--friended Christian and Daria) and 196 followers (lost 1) for swankivy, 637 likes for JulieSondra (no change), 56 likes for Negative One (1 new), 121 likes for So You Write (no change). Tumblr followers: 2,429 (7 new). Instagram followers: 68 (no change).
          Tag : food, personal
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