
Personal Digest Saturday: April 2 � April 8

Life news this week: 
  • Saturday was a low-key day getting some rest, catching up on some stuff, and watching some cartoons.
  • Sunday was my adventure to Sarasota. My dad's birthday was Monday so we had a little early celebration. He picked me up in the morning and we went to visit my grandma, got some coffee and donuts, went to see the orchestra, and had dinner together. Got to meet my dad's "little brother" mentee and chatted to him about video games, and my grandma was talking a lot. She told me I was cute. <3
  • Monday I went back to work, had a couple slap-fights on YouTube, went grocery shopping (and saw a book club friend at the store), and spent some of my evening submitting short stories again. (It's been too long and I was just sitting on them.)
  • Tuesday I was gonna hang out with Mom but she told me she didn't want to, so I spent the evening working on my book edits.
  • Wednesday was Jeaux Day and we did some errands and ate at Best New York Pizza. We listened to Night Vale and talked a lot. And then I read a new graphic novel that just came out: Too Cool for School, which is the first full-length Steven Universe comic book. Super cute. I wrote a review for it and then my computer froze right at the end so I had to write the whole thing over again.
  • Thursday I listened to some interviews online and really enjoyed hearing about my favorite creators, and I chatted with my friend Victor while drawing comics.
  • Friday I posted my comic and talked to Meghan on the phone. We're planning a vacation.
    Reading progress:
      New singing performances:

      Here I'm singing "Don't Leave Home" by Dido.


      New drawings:

      Webcomic Negative One Issue 0569: "That Unsure."

      New videos:


      New photos: 
      Selfie with Dad at dinner after the orchestra
      Got a new graphic novel, pretty thrilled!
      This was not this week, but Eric got some photos back
      from his show, and his photographer Lisa No took this
      cool one with me in it.
      Same with this one: Lisa No's photo from Eric's show.
      Social Media counts:
      YouTube subscribers: 5,301 for swankivy (1 new), 567 for JulieSondra (no change). Twitter followers: 772 for swankivy (5 new), 1,222 for JulieSondra (no change). Facebook: 290 friends (1 new--friended Alexandra, a mutual friend with another friend) and 197 followers (lost 1) for swankivy, 636 likes for JulieSondra (lost 1), 55 likes for Negative One (no change), 120 likes for So You Write (1 new). Tumblr followers: 2,403 (8 new). Instagram followers: 66 (1 new).
      Tag : personal
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